Hey there!
I’m D. Bohdan. I do things with computers. My website is my personal wiki.
Previously a lead engineer at the Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine.
- Better data compressors
- Browser tabs
- Caddy server recipes
- Clean mount lists in Linux
- Converting WMF (Windows Metafile) images to SVG
- Databases
- Developing gmi2md with Claude
- Dithering
- fcron is the best cron
- Fixing passwd(1) broken due to PAM
- Hacks and true stories of computing
- How to have thumbnails in file dialogs in certain GTK applications
- JPEG XL would be Turing-complete
- Line breaks in twtxt
- My setup
- Naming things
- Old blog (index)
- OOP illustrations from Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0: Programmer’s Guide
- OpenWrt
- Organizing information
- Pandoc
- Problems with complex scripting in fish
- Procedural generation
- Python typing
- “Regex” vs. “regexp”
- Rust: maybe not for rapid iteration
- Single-file scripts that download their dependencies
- Self-hosted PaaS
- Small utilities
- Tags should take arguments
- Unix command queues
- WavPack’s roundtrip advantage over FLAC
- Web template delimiters: a chronology
I publish web feeds that announce new pages.
- GitHub
- GitLab
- Internet Archive
- Rosetta Code
- SDF Public Access Unix System
- SourceForge (old projects)
- Tcler’s Wiki
- tilde.institute
There are other D. Bohdans and dbohdans on the Internet who are not me.